Sunday, August 13, 2006

Fields of Hummingbirds

Last evening I borrowed the neighbors dog and went for a hike. Honey (the goofy love-adorable) and I walked up the forest road behind my house. The woods were drenched with the smell of wet pines and dirt. The air was cool and crisp over my skin. There were scattered thunderstorms slowly passing by as the light continued to change. The big mountain was covered with a UFO looking silent cloud. We walked up to the meadow that I haven't been too since they closed the national forest in beginning of summer. As we approached we saw a field of red. The field was covered with Indian paintbrush flowers because of all the wonderful rain. I stopped in awe then, I heard a buzzing sound. As I focused my eyes I was able to see the funny little birds having a blissful time. 100s of hummingbirds! We walked out into the middle of the field and I sat down with the old girl. When she finally quit panting I was able to hear the continuous hum and buzz surround me. I sat facing north to see the ponderosa pines at the edge of the meadow and beyond that was the Peaks with that glowing bright pink cloud hovering over the tree line. It made me laugh and cry. This was a phenomenon 100s of hummingbirds buzzing by me within inches. Honey suddenly jumped and tried to snap one out of the air like she does with flies. I think she was laughing too! As it got dark, I could hear the thunder off in the distance as it echoed through the valley and the flashes of lightning lit up the shape of the Peaks. The buzz suddenly stopped in the fiant darkness and I could hear the frogs... I followed Honey back home in the dark with my goofy headlamp and we ate icecream sandwiches...